Images and Multimedia

Using Images in Survey Shaper - Click here to view a short video demonstrating how to include images in your survey.


Images can be displayed in a survey, either as an answer or within the question text.

To add an image to a survey:

  1. Upload the image to the Survey Resources folder:
    1. Click on Resources
    2. Click on Upload
    3. In the Upload Resources dialog box, make sure the Resources folder is selected as the upload location, and click Upload
    4. Locate and select the file to be uploaded, then click Open
    5. The uploaded image will be displayed in the resources list (click Refresh to refresh the list if required). Click on it to preview the file (remove and re-upload if required).
    6. Close the Manage Resources dialog box.
  2. Add the image reference to the required question.
    1. Place the cursor in the Question or Answer text field, and click on the Insert/edit image button
    2. In the Insert/edit image dialog box, select the required image from the Image list drop down

  3. Save and preview.

HTML Files

Links to html files can also be placed in a survey.

To add link into a survey:

  1. Upload the html fileto the Survey Resources folder.
    1. Click on Resources
    2. Click on Upload
    3. In the Upload Resources dialog box, make sure the Resources folder is selected as the upload location, and click Upload
    4. Locate and select the file to be uploaded, then click Open
    5. The uploaded file will be displayed in the resources list (click Refresh to refresh the list if required).
    6. Close the Manage Resources dialog box.
  2. Add the file reference to the required question.
    1. Select the hyperlink text and click on the Insert/edit link button
    2. In the Insert link dialog box, select the required file from the Link list drop down. The URL field at the top of the dialog box will automatically update once a link has been selected.
    3. Select New Window from the Target drop down list. This will ensure that the link will open in a new window, making it easy for the respondent to return to the survey after clicking the link.
    4. Click OK to close the Insert link dialog box.

PDF Files

Currently, a workaround solution is required to place a pdf link in a survey.

To add a pdf file link into a survey:

  1. Upload the pdf file to the Survey Resources folder.
    1. Click on Resources
    2. Click on Upload
    3. In the Upload Resources dialog box, make sure the Resources folder is selected as the upload location, and click Upload
    4. Locate and select the file to be uploaded, then click Open
    5. The uploaded file will be displayed in the resources list (click Refresh to refresh the list if required).
    6. Select the pdf file name and press CTRL+C, or right mouse-click and select Copy to copy the file name to the clipboard.

    7. Close the Manage Resources dialog box.
  2. Add the html reference to the required question.
    1. Select the hyperlink text and click on the Insert/edit link button
    2. In the Insert link dialog box, the pdf file will not be visible, so select a file in another format (e.g. jpg, png, htm) from the Link list drop down. The URL field at the top of the dialog box will automatically update once a link has been selected. If there is no file available in the list, you will need to upload an image or html file to the Resources folder, following the instructions above.
    3. Click on the URL and scroll across to the file name at the end of the URL (after 'Resources/'). Delete the current file name and CTRL+V or right mouse-click and select Paste to paste in the pdf file name at the end of the URL.
    4. Select New Window from the Target drop down list. This will ensure that the link will open in a new window, making it easy for the respondent to return to the survey after clicking the link.
    5. Click OK to close the Insert link dialog box.


The simplest way to add a video to a survey is to embed a YouTube video.

  1. In YouTude:
    1. Upload the video to your YouTube account
    2. Click the Share button under the uploaded video

    3. Click on the Embed tab, then on Show More under the html code
    4. Adjust the YouTube parameters as required (these can be changed later)
    5. Copy the html code
  2. In Survey Shaper:
    1. Drag and drop a survey object from the toolbox into the Designer Pane
    2. In the Question Text property, click on the Source Code button
    3. Paste the html code copied from the YouTube video into the Source Code editor
    4. As required, edit the html code to modify YouTube parameters
    5. Click OK to close the Source Code editor
    6. Save and preview.

YouTube Parameters

The display of embedded YouTube videos can be customised using parameters within the <iframe> html tag. The main parameters that can be used for displaying a video in Survey Shaper are listed below.

Parameter Value What it Does
autohide autohide=1 The video progress bar and player controls display or hide automatically
autohide=0 The video progress bar and player controls are visible throughout the video.
autoplay autoplay=1 The video will automatically start to play when the player loads
autoplay=0 The video will not automatically start to play when the player loads
controls controls=0 Player controls do not display in the player
controls=1 Player controls will display in the player
modestbranding modestbranding=0 Removes YouTube logo overlayed on video
rel rel=0 Will not show related videos at the end of the video
showinfo showinfo=0 Will not display information like the video title and uploader before the video starts playing
width width="420" Specifies the width of the video
height height="315" Specifies the height of the video

To use any of the above parameters, enter them into the html code, separating each with an ampersand:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>